LS Barge Self-Priming Pump

Vertical high flow, self-priming pump

Die LS Barge-Pumpe ist eine selbstansaugende vertikale Pumpe mit hohem Durchfluss, die effektiv relativ große Flüssigkeitsmengen pumpt, einschließlich Benzin, Kraftstoff, Öl und Salzwasser beim Entladen und Transfer von Schiffen. Sie besitzt ein primäres, selbstansaugendes, einstufiges Laufrad, ein spezielles Design zur Vermeidung von Umweltverschmutzungen und kann die unterschiedlichsten Flüssigkeiten in den heutigen Industrien pumpen.

Operation limits:


Capacity: 182 to 1,136 m³/h (800 to 5,000 gpm).
Head: 12 to 107 m (40 to 350 ft).
Temperature: up to 74 °C (164 °F).
Applications:  Barge stripping / dewatering, Ballast operation, Transfer of petroleum distillates including: gasoline, fuel oils, light lubricants and some heavy oils (not to exceed 48 sCt (1,500 SSU)).


The LS Barge Pump can efficiently handle a relatively large volume of liquids. It is unique that the pump is arranged with a primary self-priming stage which, when sealed with liquid, operates as a vacuum pump for exhausting air or vapors from the suction line.


  • Vertical self-contained pump
  • Primary self-priming first stage impeller
  • Capable of handling air and product for efficient stripping
  • Requires minimum amount of space as a vertical unit
  • Handles large variety of petroleum distillates and seawater during offloading process
  • Efficient function under adverse stripping phase
  • No need for auxiliary vacuum pump to maintain prime
  • Pollution prevention design system to minimize costly product clean up
  • Broad range of metallurgies available for special applications


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